
發佈日期: 2024-10-15










▍What to do if you are involved in a mountaineering accident?

Remain calm and adhere to the following steps:

•Seek immediate help:If you get into difficulty immediately call 119 or 112 for assistance, if you are unable to make a phone call, depending on the situation, send someone back down the mountain to seek assistance.

•Help anyone injured:If a member of your group is injured, first wrap the injured area in a simple bandage, stabilize the injured limb and stop any bleeding, make sure the injured party eats food that is high in sugar and keeps warm.

•Find a safe location to rest:If you lose your way or the weather conditions deteriorate, find a safe location to rest and establish signs or markers so it is easier for rescuers to find you.

•Reassure members of your group:If you lose contact with the outside world, the team leader should reassure other members of the group and ensure they remain calm. Collect all food and drink in a central location and allocate equally.

•Send a distress signal:If you have no satellite positioning device or cellphone use a reflecting mirror, clothing or smoke bomb to send an SOS signal or blow a whistle.

Making sure you are fully prepared before going hiking or mountaineering is the best way to reduce the risk of danger from any related accident.


▍Jika menghadapi musibah di atas gunung, apa yang harus diperbuat?

Bersikap tenang, ambil tindakan berikut ini:

•Segera minta pertolongan:Segera hubungi telepon 119 atau 112 untuk meminta bantuan, apabila jaringan telepon tidak terhubungi, jika memungkinkan maka dapat mengutus orang turun gunung untuk melapor.

•Menolong orang yang cedera:Jika ada yang cedera, terlebih dahulu luka dibalut, untuk menghentikan pendarahan, berikan makanan berkadar gula tinggi dan tetap menjaga kehangatan tubuhnya.

•Mencari tempat berlindung:Apabila tersesat atau kondisi cuaca memburuk, segera cari tempat aman untuk berlindung, serta tandai jalan untuk memudahkan tim penyelamat menemukan Anda. 

•Menenangkan anggota lainnya:Ketika kehilangan kontak, ketua tim semestinya menenangkan anggotanya dan mengumpulkan makanan dan minuman serta mengatur pembagiannya.

•Sinyal SOS:Ketika tidak memiliki GPS atau ponsel, bisa menggunakan pantulan cermin, baju atau granat asap yang mengeluarkan sinyal SOS, atau membunyikan peliut.

Persiapan sebelum mendaki gunung adalah cara terbaik dan efektif mengurangi risiko menghadapi musibah di atas gunung!


▍Phải làm gì nếu xảy ra tai nạn trên núi?

Hãy bình tĩnh và thực hiện các bước sau:

•Gọi trợ giúp ngay:Gọi 119 hoặc 112 để được trợ giúp, nếu không gọi được, tùy tình hình có thể cử người xuống núi trình báo sự việc.

•Sơ cứu người bị thương:Khi có người bị thương, hãy băng bó trước, cầm máu, cho ăn thức ăn nhiều đường và giữ ấm.

•Tìm nơi trú ẩn:Nếu bị lạc hoặc thời tiết xấu, hãy tìm nơi an toàn để trú ẩn và dựng biển báo để lực lượng cứu hộ có thể tìm thấy bạn.

•An ủi thành viên trong nhóm:Khi mất liên lạc với thế giới bên ngoài, trưởng nhóm cần an ủi các thành viên trong nhóm và kiểm soát, phân phối thức ăn, nước uống..

•Gửi tín hiệu cấp cứu:Nếu không có thiết bị định vị vệ tinh hoặc điện thoại di động, hãy sử dụng gương phản chiếu, quần áo hoặc bom khói để gửi tín hiệu cấp cứu hoặc thổi còi kêu cứu.

Chuẩn bị chu đáo trước khi leo núi là cách tốt nhất để giảm thiểu nguy cơ tai nạn trên núi.




•ขอความช่วยเหลือ:รีบโทรสายด่วน 119 หรือ 112 เพื่อขอความช่วยเหลือ หากโทรไม่ติดอาจใช้วิธีส่งคนลงจากภูเขาไปแจ้งความ

•ปฐมพยาบาล:กรณีมีคนบาดเจ็บให้ใช้วิธีทำแผลแบบง่ายๆ มัดให้แน่นและห้ามเลือด ให้กินอาหารที่มีน้ำตาลสูงและดูแลความอบอุ่นของร่างกาย

•หาที่หลบภัย:หากหลงทางหรืออากาศเปลี่ยนเป็นเลวร้าย ให้รีบหาสถานที่หลบภัยพร้อมทำเครื่องหมายบอกทางให้แก่เจ้าหน้าที่กู้ภัยมาช่วยเหลือ

•ช่วยปลอบใจ:กรณีขาดการติดต่อกับภายนอก หัวหน้าทีมต้องปลอบประโลมลูกทีม พร้อมทั้งต้องทำการรวบรวมและแบ่งสรรอาหารและน้ำ

•ส่งสัญญาณขอความช่วยเหลือ:กรณีไม่มีอุปกรณ์นำทางจีพีเอสหรือมือถือให้ใช้กระจกสะท้อนแสง เสื้อผ้า กระสุนควันหรือเป่านกหวีดในการส่งสัญญาณขอความช่วยเหลือ

การเตรียมความพร้อมก่อนไปปีนเขา เป็นวิธีการลดความเสี่ยงในการเกิดอุบัติเหตุบนภูเขาที่ดีที่สุด!







