

發佈日期: 2024-03-17




更動勞動契約,需要勞資雙方同意若雇主片面調降勞工薪資便違反了勞動基準法的規定;若您遭遇勞動契約調整,且遭到權益受損,均可透過1955 專線進行資訊或申訴



▎Employers cannot unilaterally change the bonus system

Is it true that employers cannot change the bonus or allowance systems at will?

When a labor contract is signed the employer should include a clear formula for the calculation of worker allowances or performance bonuses 

My employer sent me a notification last week that my bonus will be cut by 20%. Is he allowed to alter the bonus system outlined in the labor contact without the agreement of the worker?

Any change in the labor contract must be agreed by both the employer and the worker. 
If the employer unilaterally reduces the salary of a worker that is a violation of the Labor Standards Act. If a labor contract is revised without the agreement of the worker, adversely 
impacting a worker’s rights, he or she should contact the 1955 Hotline to seek guidance or file a complaint.



▎Pemberi kerja tidak diperkenankan mengubah sistem bonus secara sepihak

Bolehkah pemberi kerja mengubah sistem bonus atau tunjangan dengan sesuka hati?

Penandatanganan kontrak kerja tertera, pemberi kerja memiliki metode perhitungan tunjangan, bonus kinerja yang jelasAkan tetapi minggu lalu, pemberi kerja mengirimkan surat pemberitahuan bahwa bonus akan berkurang 20%Tanpa persetujuan pekerja, apakah pemberi kerja diperkenan mengubah sistem bonus yang tertera dalam surat perjanjian kerja?

Perubahan surat perjanjian kerja, perlu mendapat persetujuan kedua belah pihak antara pemberi kerja dan pekerjaApabila pemberi kerja secara sepihak mengurangi gaji pekerja maka telah melanggar peraturan Undang-undang Standar KetenagakerjaanApabila Anda mengalami perubahan kontrak kerja yang merugikan hak kepentingan Anda maka dapat bisa menghubungi Hotline 1955 untuk mendapatkan informasi atau melaporkan pengaduan



▎Chủ thuê không được đơn phương sửa đổi chế độ tiền thưởng

Chủ thuê có thể sửa đổi chế độ tiền thưởng hoặc phụ cấp theo ý muốn không?

Khi ký kết hợp đồng lao động, người sử dụng lao động có ghi rõ về cách tính các khoản phụ cấp, tiền thưởng hiệu quả công việc, nhưng tuần trước,người sử dụng lao động đã gửi thư thông báo tiền thưởng sẽ giảm 20%.
Xin hỏi người sử dụng lao động có thể sửa đổi hợp đồng lao động và chế độ thưởng khi không có sự đồng ý của người lao động không?

Sửa đổi hợp đồng lao động cần phải có sự đồng ý của cả người sử dụng lao động và người lao động.Nếu người sử dụng lao động đơn phương giảm lương của người lao động là vi phạm quy định của Luật Tiêu chuẩn Lao động.Nếu bị điều chỉnh hợp đồng lao động và quyền lợi của bạn bị tổn hại, bạn có thể khiếu nại qua đường dây nóng 1955





ขณะที่ลงนามในสัญญาจ้าง นายจ้างมีการระบุวิธีคำนวณเบี้ยเลี้ยงและเงินรางวัล แต่เมื่อสัปดาห์ที่แล้วนายจ้างมีหนังสือแจ้งลดเงินรางวัลลง 20% นายจ้างสามารถแก้ไขเปลี่ยนแปลงสัญญาจ้างและระบบการจ่ายเงินรางวัลโดยไม่ผ่านการยินยอมจากลูกจ้างได้หรือไม่ ?

การแก้ไขเปลี่ยนแปลงสัญญาจ้างต้องผ่านการยินยอมจากทั้งฝ่ายนายจ้างและลูกจ้างกรณีที่นายจ้างปรับลดเงินเดือนโดยไม่ผ่านการยินยอมจากลูกจ้างถือเป็นการฝ่าฝืนกฎหมายมาตรฐานแรงงาน หากสัญญาจ้างของท่านถูกแก้ไขเปลี่ยนแปลงและส่งผลกระทบต่อสิทธิประโยชน์ สามารถ ปรึกษาหรือร้องเรียนได้ที่สายด่วน1955







