

發佈日期: 2023-06-25


🟠    了解被照顧者的特殊疾病與飲食需求

🟠   烹飪原則



▍How to prepare meals for care recipients

🟠Familiarize yourself with the special illness and dietary needs of a care recipient

- Patients with illnesses such as diabetes or who require kidney dialysis have special dietary needs, follow the recommendations of medical personnel

- Individual preferences or dietary needs, for example whether a patient is a vegetarian or does not eat beef.

🟠Cooking principles

- Pay particular attention to the amount of salt and oil used when making meals, make sure everything is hygienic and avoid hard foods.

- Prepare appropriate sized portions, use a range of ingredients and balanced nutrition.


▍ Tips Menyiapkan Makanan untuk Pasien

🟠Memahami kebutuhan makanan-minuman pasien dan penderita penyakit khusus

- Penyakit khusus seperti diabetes, pasien cuci darah umumnya memiliki kebutuhan makanan-minuman khusus, dimohon untuk mengikuti saran dari tenaga medis

- Permintaan atau selera makanan masing-masing, misalkan vegan atau tidak makan sapi dan lainnya

🟠Prinsip mengolah makanan

- Memperhatikan penggunaan garam dan minyak, selalu menjaga kebersihan dan menghindari makanan yang bersifat keras.

- Menyesuaikan, mengutamakan keseimbangan gizi dan variasi makanan.


▍ Nguyên tắc chuẩn bị bữa ăn cho người được chăm sóc

🟠Hiểu rõ các bệnh đặc biệt và nhu cầu ăn uống của người được chăm sóc.

- Các bệnh nhân mắc các bệnh đặc biệt như đái tháo đường, chạy thận ..., đều có chế độ ăn uống đặc biệt, vui lòng làm theo hướng dẫn của nhân viên y tế

- Các sở thích cá nhân hoặc nhu cầu ăn kiêng của người cần chăm sóc, chẳng hạn như ăn chay hoặc không ăn thịt bò v.v.

🟠Nguyên tắc nấu ăn

- Với chế độ ăn, cần chú ý đến lượng muối và dầu mỡ, đồng thời chú ý vệ sinh và tránh thức ăn quá cứng.

- Khẩu phần ăn vừa phải, chú trọng đa dạng nguyên liệu và cân bằng dinh dưỡng.






- ผู้ป่วยโรคเรื้อรัง อาทิ เบาหวาน หรือผู้ป่วยที่ต้องล้างไต ฯลฯ ล้วนต้องรับประทานอาหารที่เหมาะสมกับสภาวะโรค โปรดปฏิบัติตามคำสั่งแพทย์

-รสนิยมส่วนบุคคลหรือความต้องการอาหารประเภทอื่น อาทิ กินเจ

หรือไม่กินเนื้อวัว ฯลฯ


-ลดเค็มและอาหารไขมันสูง พร้อมระวังเรื่องสุขอนามัยและหลีกเลี่ยง


-ปริมาณอาหารต้องเหมาะสม  วัตถุดิบอาหารต้องหลากหลายและมีโภชนาการที่สมดุล





